Ramons Thoughts

OH SNAP! That Crazy Puerto Rican is at it again….!

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Posted by arielramon on August 18, 2008

Hey everyone! I noticed not a lot of people seemed to interested in my roller coaster review. Oh well, thats life right sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Anyways, on to new things! I was sitting at work last night and I was thinking of how much i hate being at work. Id rather own my own business and work for my self. I want to use my skills and passions to make money for me and my family. I think it is every Americans dream to become wealthy enough to not have to live pay check to pay check. So, while being bored on my 12 hour night shift I thought up a business plan that i am going to pursue in a matter of months. i just registered a new site called MMAfreak.net it will be really cool once it is up and running. If you try to access it you’ll get a under construction type page so dont bother as of right now. I will post on here the grand opening of the site. With out getting to much into detail the site will contain a blog about MMA, a small merchandise store and some other little goodies that will be known once the page is released. I think over the next few posts i will bring you all along on my journey to creating my own business. It will be an adventure but something that i think you all will want to see. Will i succed at my dream or fail? who knows? So, i ask that you continue to tune in and see my progress. Have a blessed day everyone!

One Response to “MMA FREAK!!!!!”

  1. universitymindlab said

    Here is to making it happen.

    I also run a blog called Jiujitsu365 and some amazing things happened after I decided to follow my passion to the fullest.

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